Thursday, January 31, 2008


Well there is good news to report. Both my dad and chucks grandfather are doing great. Chuck's grandfather had surgery on tuesday and came thru with flying colors. The doctors were suprised how well he came thru. My dad is feeling much better but still has swollen feet and has a hard time getting around sometimes.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Two week ago

I wanted to show you some pictures that I took of the kids. We went the park and took these pictures. Chuck was a little concerned about the way Keeley looked. To grown up.

Cold,Cold go away!!

Is it ever going to warm up again?? I am tired of this cold. I also wanted to update you all on Chuck's grandfather. Yesterday he went into surgery but before they could start he started to bleed thru his rectum. They had given him 7 units of blood but didn't know where it was going now they know. They are going to try again Tuesday.

I wanted to show you what I have been working on this week. I just love the way it turned out.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Chuck's Grandfather

Chuck's grandfather is doing better and will be going in tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. to have hip surgery. Please pray for him.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Week of Whoe's

This week has not been a good one for our family. First my dad (83) went into the hospital on last Friday. The doctor finally told my parents that he has COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and they wont be able to do anything for him just let it run it course. He didn't go home with oxygen but I am sure that will happen soon.

Then Chuck's grandfather (93) was found on the floor in his living room on Friday. We don't know how long he was on the floor. He fell and hit something on the way down and he has this big black and blue mark on his forehead. When they got him to the hospital the doctors said the he also has a fractured hip, he also has a virus which they think is the cause of him falling and making him weak. He is not awake at this time. If he starts to get better they will do surgery on Tuesday or Wednesday, but if he doesn't wake up he could get pneumonia. Hopefully we will hear some good news today.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Why Blog???

I have finally started my own blog. Which is really kind of laughable because I know nothig about these darn computers. After months of lurking at many very talented women out there, I finally decided to start my own. I also started this blog to let friends and family know where this wonderful life is taking me and my family. I couldn't be anymore thankful for it. Stay tuned!!
